G. Rossini: La Scala di Seta - Vedro qual sommo incanto
Semi-Finals, Concours Voix Nouvelles - Live from the Opera de Massy (2023) | Rodolphe Lospied, piano
J.S. Bach: Johannespassion - Erwäge, wie sein blutgefärbter Rücken
Accademia Barocca Lucernensis - Live from the KKL Luzern (2020),
Javier Ulises Illán
G. F. Händel: Jephtha - His mighty arm with sudden blow (Live in Concert 2017)
Young Talents in Concert (2017),
Studenten der HSLU,
Igor Karsko
Eric Coates: Green Hills o' Somerset (Duo Dalùna)
Von Duo Dalùnas Debut-CD "A Song in the Wood" (2021) | Clémence Hirt, piano